Episode 176 - "The Year of HDR Confusion" with PixelGen's Jack MacDougall

On this week's episode of HomeTech: We are joined Jack MacDougall, President of Pixelgen, for a deep dive into today's ultra-confusing video landscape. From resolutions and bit rates, to color spaces and dynamic ranges, it's enough to make your head spin. Jack brings to the show a unique combination of deep expertise and an ability to make these concepts relatable. While our conversation covers numerous facets of video technology, a good portion of our chat focuses on dissecting today's competing HDR standards. With Jack providing the key information you should know in this brewing standards war, this is a show you won't want to miss.

That plus... Is a smart speaker from Sonos in the offing? Also, the latest on their Alexa software integration. Is a down market thermostat coming soon from Nest? New products from August rumored as well. Back-to-back CEDIA keynotes from Amazon. Eero meeting home tech pros in the middle. And much more...

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