Episode 297 - COVID-19 Government Assistance Deep Dive with Chris Williams of OneVision Resources

On this episode of HomeTech: We are joined by Chris Williams, Director of People Operations at OneVision Resources. Our conversation breaks down the various governmental programs designed to help small businesses navigate the COVID-19 crisis. The government is providing a lot of assistance to businesses and employees. Gaining a deep understanding of the options is vital to ensuring you make the most of what’s available. Chris brings deep expertise to the table, along with an uncanny ability to distill complicated legislation down to simple, actionable insights. Whether you own a business, work in one, or have recently been furloughed/laid off, you do not want to miss this episode!

That plus, home tech headlines including: AVNation launches a “Learn from Home” conference, taking place April 7 and 8. Sony restructures, creating the Electronics Products & Solutions Unit. JoshAI now enables a politically correct smart home. And more…

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