Episode 322 - Growing the Right Way with Justin Worley of Audio Concepts

On this episode of HomeTech: We are joined by Justin Worley, owner of Audio Concepts in Long Beach, CA, and Desert Valley Audio Video in Scottsdale, AZ. We dive into the lessons Justin has learned growing Desert Valley to a 30-person team and acquiring his second business. Justin shares his perspectives on recruiting, hiring, and team development, the decision to bring electrical work in-house, the importance of “getting your act together” as you grow, how to get out of owner-operator mode, and much more. Home tech pros won’t want to miss this one.

That, plus the latest home tech headlines including: The numbers for CEDIA’s first virtual event are in. Apple pulls Sonos and other third party products from its stores. Disney movies are finally available in 4K on iTunes. And more…

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