Episode 324 - Bridging the DIFM Gap with Ring's Andrew Vloyanetes

On this episode of HomeTech: We are joined by Andrew Vloyanetes, GM of installed solutions at Ring. Andrew leads the go-to-market strategy for professionally installed solutions at the company. The increasing crossover between “DIY” and pro solutions is a trend we’ve long been interested in here at HomeTech, so we were excited to have Andrew on. We discuss Ring’s focus on working backward from customers’ needs, the unique challenges and opportunities inherent in working in the professional channel, the new Ring X line and the strategy behind it, and much more. Having directed the installed solutions strategy at Sonos prior to joining Ring, Andrew brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to this important conversation.

That, plus the latest home tech headlines including: Quibi calls it quits. LG’s rollable OLED goes on sale in Korea. The Nest Secure is being discontinued. Google unveils upgrades to its smart display UI. And more…

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